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Tuesday, March 29, 2005 

Grieving Over A Loss

I'm grieving over a friend's loss today. She had gone through labour but lost her baby. She's fine but her baby didn't make it. Her baby was one of the toughest survivor I have ever known. Eventhough diagnosed with some complications and doctors weren't certain on his survival, he continued fighting for his life because he knew that his parents loved him so much and prayed for him to be fine at all times and be born into this world. He survived for 8 months in his mom's womb before GOD decided to take him away. As much as his parents loved him, GOD loves him more. I know this is the toughest time for both his parents, especially his mom.

I can't say that I understand her even if I had lost two pregnancies. Every pregnancy is unique and individual. I can't say that I understand her losing her baby cause I've lost mine because it is simply not the same. I can't say that she's still young and can have children later in the future because losing one baby cannot be replaced by another. Even for me, InsyaALLAH if I had children in the future, I will always remembered the ones that I lost.

The grief of a mom losing a baby is unbearable at times because you had to keep on living with the thought and memories of your lost child. Never had the opportunity to hold them in your arms, touch them and kiss them. But no matter how hard it is, we as Muslims will always believe that there's always a hikmah to every thing that has happened. And we have to keep on berusaha, berdoa dan tawakal. Good things will come our way finally.

To My Dear Friend,
I am so sorry for the lost of your baby. Although friends can only comfort and console, please know that we care and will be praying for him. Please be strong dear friend because our life journey is still long. There will be more hurdles along the way, but I know you're a strong-willed person. Please be assured that your baby boy is resting peacefully now with GOD. He will be waiting for the days to be reunited with his parents di Akhirat nanti kelak, InsyaALLAH. Just remember him in your prayers and I'm sure he will be remembering his parents and anticipating the moments to return to you in another world and another time.

I am writing this with tears in my eyes. Reminiscing the loss that I have experienced and imagining what you're experiencing right now.

The agony and pain will eventually pass, leaving behind a dull ache everytime our memories go down that lane. Take care and recuperate soon. Your friends will always be here for you.

New Day

by Chi-Chi Phiona Osai

I cannot feel the pain you bear,

Nor the emptiness that comes with losing someone dear,
I do not know how many times you have wept,
How many dreamless nights you have slept,
I see, though, that you are in mourning,
Of a cherished soul that left before the day’s dawning,

My dear heart, I weep too,
In my prayers, I place you.

He hasn’t fully passed away,
Believe me, he’s with you everyday,
As long as he’s your treasured stone,
His love will comfort you when in pain you groan,
He takes every step you take,
Though his reflection may not appear on the face of a lake,
Like true soul mates you are,
He’ll be your guiding star.

Don’t you worry, he didn’t sleep alone,
The angels were there to guard their own,
That is why you should smile,
With your fate, you should reconcile,
Maybe his departure is a sign,
Maybe he is your passing angel, your future vine,
Bleed no more, you will be blessed,
You will be seen through this difficult test.

Thanks for your thought and support, baby Rizq will always in my heart and never be forgotten...

One of my friend said to me 'ONLY TIME WILL HEAL THE PAIN'...

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