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Monday, January 31, 2005 

Everything Is Going Against You

Have you ever had one of those times in your life when you feel like everything is going against you? I'm particularly feeling that way at this moment. Not in my personal life but in work. I have come to the point where I've reached a crossroad. I have to make two choices which I frankly believe none will be in my favour. I am afraid to come up with a decision that will hurt a lot of people, hurt myself and worse damage my career.
Sometimes I think men are born selfish, when they're stepping the career ladder, they praise and praise and kipas and when they gain power, they will twist you around their fingers and play with you like you're some kinda puppet dolls. If you dance well, they'll keep you for the next show, if your wooden legs are broken, you're just tossed aside like a piece of rag.

I am sick and tired of all this. But then again, I still have my final choice: TO WALK OUT AND LEAVE EVERYTHING BEHIND.

"When everything seems to be going against you,
remember that the airplane takes off against the wind,
not with it." Henry Ford

Yours Truly

  • I'm AzaLea
  • From Cyberjaya, Malaysia
  • Easy Going. Rebel In Silence. Observant. Overcritize. High Aspirations & Dreams. Love Children. Have Just Given Birth To A Beautiful Baby Boy.Love To Have Everyone Around.Love To Be Around Everybody Else.Outgoing. Talkative.
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